Saturday, 18 January 2014


Those who rely on miracles or experiment with psychic powers are they going to find Him. Is their work of Love, or is it a work they love, a work of pride and self-satisfaction? Of what use is there in unlocking the secrets of the Universe, will they then become the Creator? It is nonsense; no one knows what they are looking for.
Life itself is the miracle of miracles. They think they are the physical body, so they want to turn the Spirit into something they can recognize with this eye, to prove they exist.
He is therefore you are.
They make deities, statues, dolls, idols in so many forms. Some like people some like animals. They make the God of Wind, of Fire, of Prosperity, of Love, of War. These Gods themselves have no power, only He has the power.
The scientist looks in his microscope for Truth.
The mystic looks for Truth in meditation.
The archaeologist looks in the mind for Truth.
The archaeologist digs under the earth for Truth.
The astrologers and astronomers look to the Stars and Planets for Truth.
Everyone is blind. They are looking into time and space for Him. He is beyond time and space. Truth is everything, not one particular thing.

What is time? Where is time? Once there is only now. No present, no future. If there is a future, that hasn’t happened yet, how can anyone say what will happen. Time and space are mental constructions of measurement. He is beyond this framework.
There is no here and no there for Him. Someone asked where does the soul go when it leaves the body? Why is it necessary to go anywhere? Where is there to go? Can it go to heaven or to hell? Are these places? No, do not worry about these things.
Prakriti, Nature itself constantly changes, so the form of the messenger of Truth and of the message itself must change.
Dadaji has come once again to lead you out of the darkness of superstition.

Who can claim God or Truth as their own property? Which religion is 
correct? Can anyone claim the Sun or live on the Sun? Who does it belong to, 
this life giver and nourisher of the Earth and whole Solar System? Does it belong 
to the USA, USSR, India, or China? Jews, Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims? 
Some even claim the Sun as theirs and worship it as the Supreme.
Many claim they have more Sun or better Sun. The Sun belongs to no one. Did man create it? 
Did it happen by accident? What fools you mortals be! Within you is the Sun or as some call it the Son. Within you is the Light of the World.

Before you are liberated in Truth, you will one time think you are very good. Another time you will think you are very bad and then good again. 
Always it will feel like that; never in the middle. If you in the middle, you will say you are bored. Then you will be successful, then a failure.
Then you start to worry about the world rather than yourself. First you fight in the war, and then you fight against the war. Then you fight for all the causes, save the world, save the whales, stamp out poverty. You play at being God, but each day your mind and direction change. 
Then you find the gurus, lamas, monks. Then you see your whole life has been a lie, an illusion constantly changing. You think you have been in heaven at times, in hell other times. Then He is ready for you. You say, “why me,” a person like me doesn't deserve to be with Him. You realized you can do nothing.
Then Dadaji tells you, that is the very reason I have chosen you. Jai Ram.

From the Supreme white light has come all color and all form: the blue bird, the red rose, woman and man, both male and female, He created them.
Each one is two, the doer and the watcher. One feeds, the other is fed in silence. One is the creator, and the other the creation.
Why must you think it is always this or that? Why can’t it be both this and that?
Of what use is the fruit if one doesn’t know from where it comes?
Nature itself is Maya. God rules over this kingdom of Nature, giving and taking. There is greater beauty and splendor in a sunset than the greatest work of man’s art.

If they ask you from where you have come? Tell them you have come from the Light, from the place where the Light was created.
When by His Grace you make the two, One, and when the inner as the outer and the outer as the inner, when above is as below and when you make the male and female into a single One, so that the male will not be male and the female not female….. Then shall you enter into the Kingdom of ONENESS. 
Whoever, knows much but fails to know their true self, lacks everything.God is now-here, God is no-where, and God is every where. For the most part what you say to others, you say to yourself. What you do to others, you do to yourself. Try not to give cause to others to do to you what you would not do to them. In reality you can do nothing. God is the sole doer.

Attachment is life, without attachment nothing would be done. However, do not be attached to the results. If it comes out this way, alright; if not, also all 

Truth is Name. Repeat it long enough and you will be cleansed. Ram Ram. One man wants to make Dadaji known to the whole world, to print books in every language. He feels Dadaji is doing God’s work. How can anyone do His work? He does His work. When the time comes for Dadaji and the message of Truth to be known to the world, He will let it be known.
Yes, you are correct when you say that the world needs this message of truth and Love more than ever.
No need to worry, all must end before it begins again. As long as you have Mahanam, that is more than enough.

Life is not a game of true or false. The question today may be false, the same question tomorrow may be true.
What is proper at one time and place may not be proper behavior at another time and place. This is why Dadaji, who sees what you call past, present and future, may tell different people different things. He may tell you one week to do this, another to do that. These are worldly matters. Remembering Him, Mahanam, trying to return His Love, that is what really matters.

The supreme Lord is ever present in the heart space of all beings. This is true nuclear power. Before the awareness of Truth dawns you must first see all that happens as if you are the doer and He is rewarding and punishing. Your ego will get so big, it will finally burst. Then you will start to feel something. He knows everything you are doing. It is His play. Sometimes a comedy, sometimes a tragedy.
When you don’t know Truth, you feel helpless and helpless, no peace, full of grief when something happens that your money, your fame, your power cannot fix. Finally you must come to Him, for He is your Self, and bow down before Him and say “I can do nothing;” you can claim nothing as yours, family, wealth, even destiny. Then you will have the fortitude to face all experiences of life.
Then, Grace – if your destiny gives you beauty, riches, talent, fame, knowledge, they will not cause you to be arrogant and puffed up. The greatest wealth is the Mahanam – Gopal Govinda.

You can’t find God, God finds you.
Who can see God? They see God, who sees God in themselves, as the same Godhood dwelling in all. Then you hurt not yourself by hurting others. You have gone beyond mind and ego; while in a mortal body you must have some ego, which too is His creation.

When Dadaji says enjoy His Creation, it is an invitation to enjoy His Love. In everything you do He is present then all is joyous. Once you realize this by His Grace, you will be able to bear the preordained compulsions of your mind with patience, without any repressions or suppression, freed from the obsessive duality of good and bad. Remember, He alone is the real doer – you are helpless without Him. So do your duties sincerely as they present themselves, remember Him and live your natural life as destined.
This body, though not the highest Truth, is yet the temple to be lovingly cared for by right living, natural diet, exercise and love. The awareness of what is right here dawns by the Grace of Mahanam.

The natural appetites that you have come with what are called senses. 
They are not evil tendencies. What is called evil or wild is a natural appetite overfed. It happens when human love becomes confused and frightened, not trusting enough of God’s Love.
Do not by Force but by Love try to rule and control the senses. If you trust in Mahanam, He will guide you in respect to these great desires.
When you are alive to the Spirit, to His Love there will be no need to feed the senses but a little. When you are dead to His Love, the appetites can never be satisfied. You are dead to the Spirit and serve as a slave to the senses. Then you need so much sex, drugs, to prove that you are alive and enjoying life. But remember, without Him there is nothing whatever.
Real sex is something else. This is an inner communion. The lover and the beloved are in essence the Lord Himself.
With Him there is no need or greed. When feeling His Love, do you think if all the drugs were free you would have any need left to use them or give them to your children? What good is a feast when you are not hungry?

Pride, covetousness, lust, anger, gluttony, envy, and laziness are all human tendencies of self-respect, preservation, freedom, self-expression, communion, relaxation, gone haywire.
This is not the make up of a good person or an evil person. Are all not guilty at times of one or more of the above? There are persons who behave properly sometimes and those that behave improperly sometimes. When you know better, you should do better. If you don’t, then you simply are not ready. Do not worry, now that you have come to Him, all will be taken care of. Be patient.

The five senses are real; but as regarding
Sight, who is seeing? What is being seen?
Touch, who is touching? What is being touched?
Smell, who is smelling? What is being smelt?
Taste, who is tasting? What is being tasted?
Hearing, who is hearing? What is being heard?
He is looking, He is feeling, He is Fragrance, He is Flavor itself, He is listening, He alone loves you. Try to love Him Who is within.

Truth is infinite beyond mental grasp; but its expression is partly definable, partly beyond definition. The manifest can be defined, the unmanifested 
cannot be defined. Never is a full mental grasp of the Infinite possible that is why Dadaji gives you glimpses.
The paradox is that in the search for Truth, you are always hankering after more, the intensity increases, the thirst becomes unquenchable and in a twinkling of the eye, you feel Him and it is the greatest balm incredibly soothing to the soul. Paradoxes occur only in the mind created by Him for His play. Their resolution comes from Him alone.

Speaking to Dadaji is like speaking to a river or a rose or a bird in flight. It is a way of letting go the anger and hurt without having to guard every word and feeling. Take it out on Dadaji. He will be delighted with it and you will not be forced to argue loudly and get angry at others.

Dadaji has come for Truth, not for money, buildings and cars. At the same time, even Dadaji must do some worldly service to care for His family. Dadaji is not a great saint or banker; he is the proprietor of a small toy shop. You must pay back to Nature what you have taken.
Be careful, please, of those who claim to be God, or Guru, they are hypocrites, frauds and cheats of the worst kind. They are making some kind of money business from nothing. Their words go from false tongues to false ears. 
Puja, worship, to whom? True Satyanarayan Puja is that He is worshiping Himself within you twenty four hours per day. Dadaji has shown you proof that the food left before the image of Satyanarayan has been taken. He always tastes all the food. He is your life itself. When you know the Oneness, what sorrow can ever befall you?

All over the world everyone asks the same questions.
“Dadaji, what should I tell my son, he is a drug addict?”
“Everyone who drinks of the drugs of pleasure will thirst more and more. 
Those who drink from the nectar of Truth that I am bringing will thirst no more.”
“Dadaji, what about terrorism”?
“Action and reaction, those that live by violence shall die by violence.”
“Dadaji, what can save the world from Communism”?
“Every person, every family, every house, every kingdom that is divided and separated from His Oneness cannot survive.”
“Dadaji, is it proper for the good to use violence to fight evil?”
“Who is good, who is evil? Those you call evil call themselves good. Blessed are those that feel and take God’s Name; they are the peace makers.”
“Dadaji, what do you think of the world today?”
“I have not come to judge the world, but to establish Truth.”
“Dadaji, which government is God in favor of, surely not the Communists who don’t believe in God?”
“God doesn’t get touched by this government or that government. God resides in everyone and draws those that return His Love. You must obey the laws of some government you must live with. This is a temporary worldly affair. 
No matter what, no one can stop His Mahanam within – no need for churches and temples to pray in.”
“Dadaji, what about abortion? Why do so many women have abortions and yet the other day a woman refused an abortion to save her own life?”
“Everyone is subject to inexorable destiny either way. That woman who refused has great Love and Faith; and that was her destiny.”
“Dadaji, was it better in the olden days?”
“These days will also pass away, but the Truth I bring to you shall never pass away.”
“Dadaji, what can we hope for in the world today, what looks promising?”
“No need to hope, I am with you, we cannot be separated even upon the destruction of the world.”

There is nothing to give up and at the same time nothing to acquire.
Life will deliver everything that is coming to you. You simply do your duty. Use what you need. Don’t try to force anything or anyone to do your bidding. Be at peace with your destiny. Karma is the law that action and reaction go together. 
The one that does what is called good becomes good and is rewarded with rebirth in a human form. One who does what is called evil becomes evil and is also rewarded with birth in the human form. When you realize by His Grace that not you but He is the real doer, then you are free from Karma.
To be in illusion is to be bound in desire for rewards: as in your desire, so is your faith the measure of it; as is your faith, so are your works; as is your work, so you become. In this way, proceeds the working of your destiny till you reach the end of your journey begun by your work on earth. The working out of Desire through cycles of births and deaths ends at the destined moment when constant awareness of Mahanam dawns on you by His Grace.

As to the one who is free from desire, this is Moksha (Liberation). Since Truth, since He is the desire, he is still of this life, still does work but creates no destiny and … karma and becomes one with the Creator. When all the desires disappear, then a mortal becomes immortal, with no thought of death, and even in this body he is liberated.
Then a person’s powers of life become One and, people say, he sees no more what we see, hears not what we hear, he thinks not as we think, his touch is not as our touch, he has a Fragrance we don’t have, and he doesn't think as we do, but is beyond the mind.
Then a Light shines about him and this Light guides him and others away from the illusion of reality. All the powers of life follow him.

Dadaji has come for the purpose of opening your inner eye, to clear our inner ear. “I’m chanting in your heart, I’m giving you the Fragrance and the real Charanjal (water from the Feet of the Lord). I love you weather you love Me or not. I have come to see you when you are ready to love Me.”
Do you believe me, or must you always have it proven to you. I told a man who wrote a book on Astrology, that it was inconsistent with the Truth. I asked him why he wrote it. He answered me that he makes sure all his students study his book. This is the only way they can come to find out that what he says doesn’t work. Why not simply tell them, I asked him. He replied, when has telling ever been enough, let them try it.
Don’t be nervous hankering after Truth. He is here, there and everywhere. He is you too. When your duties are finished, there will be no more the question of you and He.

Dadaji is not interested in crowds of people, for he is not in the guru business. Besides, most people are not ready to know him. Most still measure life like an earnings-chart or by how much sex or property they have. Funny, some think they are victims of luck, circumstance, others think they have control over their destiny. Control your thought and you control your luck, they say. For those that believe in luck, the temples and churches exist. They can pray for better luck and give donations or do sacrifice.
These movements, religious sect, cults, societies tell everyone what they should or should not do. One says that to be near God you must be a vegetarian, another says no. One says cover your head in prayer, the other says to uncover it. They all advertise and need publicity. Truth needs no publicity.
As we near the end of this age, what do we see going on. Greedy Gurus and Swamis that should all be called Ego-ananda, Kundalini Karma-centering, courses in selflessness, or selfishness, courses in how to create the best in you by bringing out the worst in you. Psychologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, bisexuality as the way, homosexuality as the way, witches, tarot cards, astrology, spiritual massage, floating tanks, magic mantras, mandalas, only to mention a few businesses being done in the name of Truth.
Yes, Dadaji is laughing at all of this and warning you that you will be wasting your money and time plus becoming confused by all this mind function business.

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