Saturday, 18 January 2014


In the past, Truth was made into stories. From the stories came doll and idol worship. It became a money business, an entertainment, cinemas, plays and books, pictures of deities on calendars. The Truth has been forgotten and the stories go on. No one knows anything about what the stories really mean.
They are writing about what Krishna said, what Jesus meant. Did they talk with Krishna or Jesus? Then how can they write about them? They write for their own reasons, not for the purpose of Truth. No more stories.

With the mind, it is not possible to comprehend the supreme. By Grace, 
sometimes you can have a glimpse. Once you have seen, not with this physical 
eye, even then your mind wants to reject what is been witness to.
Dadaji never utters the words I am Guru, I am Bhagwan, I am Yogi, this, that. 
It is not possible for a person, this body, this brain to be God. This body comes 
and in a few days goes. The Supreme, neither comes nor goes.
He is everything, so do not let your mind be confused if Dadaji says He or She. 
Actually everything is She. All nature is female. The entire creation is from the 
Divine Mother. The seed is from the Father. Father and Mother in essence are 
one. This is not a question of man or woman. I mat Satyanarayan, Lord, God, 
Goddess, Supreme or Absolute, when I refer to Truth.

Dadaji has not come for the purpose of temples or ashrams or churches or religion. All religion is superstition. Truth is one
Truth is not an idea or a philosophy. Churches, religions and gurus are much easier to follow than Truth. The most difficult and yet most joyful thing to face is Truth. You build churches in your own image, for your own business and pleasure, not for Him. 
Your belief, what you believe is always changing, so how can you trust it. 
Truth never changes.
Dadaji has come to deliver the message of Truth through a few select Souls. 
That is all that is necessary to continue creation.
Many are called, few are chosen. Very few in each age can come to Him.

Many persons say they are seeking a higher purpose in life. Some seek a 
path to enlightenment or realization, or they say, “I want peace, love, truth, 
Knowing or unknowingly, they are not being honest. They are not telling little 
white lies of everyday life, but the lie of hypocrisy. What it comes down to is, 
mostly everyone wants more money, healing, better social and domestic life, or 
blessings for everything and every purpose you can imagine.
What happens then is this – along come truth merchants, the dollar yogis, 
costumed and packaged in the most appealing fashion.
You ask for God, for Truth, but really seek fame, health and fortune. The 
gurus, priests and ministers of the mind promise you salvation, realization and 
success. They offer an exclusive way to God for a price. They too are deceiving, 
for they desire money, power and fame.
Remember action and re-action, like attracts like, birds of a same feather flock 
together. You can only be cheated if you yourself are a cheat.
Dadaji never promises you anything. Never offers methods and techniques 
or takes money to give you what you already have. When you know He is within 
you, then you have everything. When you don’t know this Mahanam, you can 
be the richest in the world and still be impoverished. Actually, everyone, even 
worldly gurus, have a higher need, but mistake God for worldly 

Most come to Dadaji with confusion. So many questions. “From where have I come? Why am I here? What shall I do? Where shall I go? Why am I sick? 
Why am I poor? Why am I unhappy? Should I leave him? Should I leave her?
No need to do anything, to be anything or get anything.
You are full of expectation, self-importance and self-impotence.
Dadaji tells you to practice Satya Yoga – the Yoga of Truth: Remember Him. 
God loves you always. You are not this body. Do your duty. Enjoy His creation. 
You are only here for a few days.
No methods, no wrestling with mind, meditation, kundalini, pranayama. No 
“I’m doing”. All these things are full of ego.
First thing in the morning, listen to Him chanting within. Last thing at night, 
listen to Him chanting within: Gopal Govinda, Gopal Govinda

When you have seen the greater, why cling to anything or anyone less? 
When you touch the whole, why accept the partial?
Give up the thought of I-ness for His Highness.
Bhakta-Bhakti-Bhagavan, (the devotee, the devotion and the Lord) are three in one.
Try not to understand
Try not to misunderstand
Both are ignorance Take refuge in Mahanam.

Some people are dissatisfied with the quality of life. They want more than the fleeting sensual pleasure. They seek that which they have heard brings joy and bliss.
Others want more sensual pleasure and worldly success, thinking this will satisfy their constant hunger.
Still others feel an urging from within for something beyond, a desire for desirelessness.
All life is wishing and wanting – what is the need – why worry – all life is destiny 
– man can do nothing.
Do not try to understand with the mind, that which is beyond mind. You can’t see the Light of Lights with the physical eye. A non-believer says “I was Lucky. I was clever, I fooled them”, when success comes. There isn’t any luck, there is only facing up to your destiny. The lover of Truth says “it is His Will, His Grace”.
Your Dadaji has come to reveal the God of Truth to you. Hew does not 
compel you to come at this time, but in time you must come. Why tarry, come 
live in His Fragrance.

One very great devotee of Truth, a very simple, very rich but innocent 
man wants to build an Ashram in Dadaji’s name for the purpose of Truth. How is 
it possible? It will need a bank balance, directors, it will become a business. Do 
not make a business out of God.

Dadaji, you ask, why does God permit suffering, war, disease and poverty.
Who is suffering, who is killing, and who is being killed? It is all He. Everyone who has come in a body must eventually leave the body. Some leave with His Mahanam in peace after a few years, some stay for a hundred years, still fighting, and no peace.
Even your Dadaji has suffered greatly for the purpose of Truth. Like Christ. At 
the same time, the suffering is something beautiful. He is with you always. You 
are his temple, take care of the temple, feed it properly, exercise it properly, and 
don’t abuse it. One place is not holier than another; one person is not holier 
than another. Be natural, try to love God. Do not worry. You are not the doer. 
Do not be addicted to the suffering or the pleasure.

When there was only the One, there was no beyond. The One was formless. In the One rose Prem – Love. This was the seed from which all creation sprang up. This seed was the vibration, the sound of Mahanam.
This Mahanam manifested as the universe itself. This was the connection between being and non-being, between the manifest and the un-manifest, between the Absolute and the relative.
This was the Truth the Sages of old heard in their hearts. The trouble started when they translated it by mind and mouth. It created a separation and religion was born.
Who knows whether or not the Universe was created or un-created. No need to know. He knows, if He wants you to know then it will be made clear. Some will accept some will deny.

Religions are a business. They constantly struggle against the Spirit of Truth, using scriptures as a sword. Every religion hates every other religion or is just tolerant of their brothers and sisters. Tolerance means that even though the other is wrong, they forgive them for not seeing it their way

Most prayers are for riches. Why do you pray for your will? What about His 
Will? To whom are you praying? Your prayers themselves say He is within, He 
knows, He sees, He feels. Religion is of the past. Tradition is dead, stop living with 
the dead. Let go of your petty deities and idols. See Him everywhere, in 
everyone, in everything. God can never be exclusive. He is always inclusive.

After listening to Dadaji, you say “Yes Dada, but”, “I believe Dada, but”. 
What I tell is Truth, if you cannot hear it at the moment, Dada says, do it your own 
way. Then you will feel something. Always you will return and say “you were 
right Dada; I could have saved myself so much trouble, had I but listened to 
“Dada, I did it for my mother, my wife, my child”, you say. What is family? He 
alone is your mother, father, friend, lover, your wisdom, your riches, and your
teacher. He will never leave you. How can He, when He can not be separated. 
How many of you have suffered denial and separation from parents, or children, 
or husband, wife, friend. This is human behavior of the mind.
Those who live with you in Mahanam, those are your brothers and sisters, 
mothers and fathers. All mankind is one family.
Love cannot be defined other than a feeling, without reason. This way there 
is no chance of the Love going away when the reason goes away. This is how 
He loves you, try to love Him.
Those who love do not argue about it.
Those who argue about it do not love.

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